Thanks guys
Assalamualaikum. Wah2, rasa macam dah lama tak update blog. Fuu fuuu *tiup habuk yang tak lah berhabuk mana pun sebenarnya -.- So, entri kali ni saya malas nak cakap banyak. Yalls tengok gambar je k. Cis. Me macam bajet ramai readers -______-
Peace yo
me so jakun time ni sebab dapat sentuh piano setelah sekian lama me berangan nak sentuh piano. hihihi XD
psstt ayam goreng tu sedap gila k~
oh dia la yang buat ayam goreng tu~ har har har
LOL ~(-.-)~
I'm a vampire, he's a murderer and she's a cooker -.-
Canon, delighting you always~
Okay. Dah tengok gambar-gambar tu kan? Joyeah. Gambar-gambar ni diambil ketika kami semua di rumah Izzat. Kalau korang nak tau mana satu Izzat. hm hm Izzat yang pakai baju warna biru tu. Dia ajak kita orang datang rumah dia sebab dia ade buat makan-makan sikit sebab yelahh saya dah nak berhenti dari Kolej tu sebab *lol berapa banyak sebab saya nak sambung belajar kat tempat lain. Demi masa depan saya. So, yeah terima kasih Izzat. Jasamu akan ku kenang buat selamanya~ Eceh.
Ohya, satu lagi. Pada hari Khamis yang lepas bersamaan 3 May kot, hmm my classmates buat surprise for me & syira. Sumpah terharu sangat okay *lap air mata. 1st time okay kena surprise macam tu. Hmm. Kita orang ade snap2 pic time tu. Tapi tak upload lagi sebab gambar tu takde dalam kemera saya. Ada dalam kemera kawan. So, nanti lah upload pics tu kat sini if kawan saya dah masukkan gambar2 tu semua. Anyway, to KU5 students, korang memang the best la weh. Sayang korang semua :')
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Thanks guys
Assalamualaikum. Wah2, rasa macam dah lama tak update blog. Fuu fuuu *tiup habuk yang tak lah berhabuk mana pun sebenarnya -.- So, entri kali ni saya malas nak cakap banyak. Yalls tengok gambar je k. Cis. Me macam bajet ramai readers -______-
Peace yo
me so jakun time ni sebab dapat sentuh piano setelah sekian lama me berangan nak sentuh piano. hihihi XD
psstt ayam goreng tu sedap gila k~
oh dia la yang buat ayam goreng tu~ har har har
LOL ~(-.-)~
I'm a vampire, he's a murderer and she's a cooker -.-
Canon, delighting you always~
Okay. Dah tengok gambar-gambar tu kan? Joyeah. Gambar-gambar ni diambil ketika kami semua di rumah Izzat. Kalau korang nak tau mana satu Izzat. hm hm Izzat yang pakai baju warna biru tu. Dia ajak kita orang datang rumah dia sebab dia ade buat makan-makan sikit sebab yelahh saya dah nak berhenti dari Kolej tu sebab *lol berapa banyak sebab saya nak sambung belajar kat tempat lain. Demi masa depan saya. So, yeah terima kasih Izzat. Jasamu akan ku kenang buat selamanya~ Eceh.
Ohya, satu lagi. Pada hari Khamis yang lepas bersamaan 3 May kot, hmm my classmates buat surprise for me & syira. Sumpah terharu sangat okay *lap air mata. 1st time okay kena surprise macam tu. Hmm. Kita orang ade snap2 pic time tu. Tapi tak upload lagi sebab gambar tu takde dalam kemera saya. Ada dalam kemera kawan. So, nanti lah upload pics tu kat sini if kawan saya dah masukkan gambar2 tu semua. Anyway, to KU5 students, korang memang the best la weh. Sayang korang semua :')
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I'm nineteen years of age girl.
I'm a really complicated person. I don't let my feelings be noticed by others and I'm not wide open like a book. I only have a limited amount of people that i truly get along with. My best friends are Puthree & Siti Syira. They're the only human being I can tolerate almost 24/7.
I'm really loud, outgoing, hyper, and like to laugh at almost anything but i know when to be serious. I look at things beyond their perspective and my imagination passes anything you can think of. The unknown intimidates me and i believe there is more things out there that aren't discovered or known to be non existant. Life has its ups and downs but I always try to see the bright side of it. I can NOT stand people who are always negative about things and constantly insulting them selves. I'm not conceited, I'm confident. I'm not a supermodel nor am I perfect but I am the best I can be and that's I'll ever be.
I'm generally a nice person even tho people consider me as a bitch when im actually being real. I’m known for being brutually honest but I’m not gonna sit here and lie or try to soften up the truth. I will be straight up honest, truth hurts. deal with it. Rave about music they don’t even listen to and i laugh because you youngins have no idea how pathetic you look because labels are for dumbasses. im not a needy person nor am i a follower. i make my own group and follow my own path even if im doing it alone.
I do NOT have a tollerance for people who try to be buff and mess with your personal life when they only know OF you and you will get bitch slapped. this isnt drama class so shut your damn mouth before i shut it for you. im never blinded by "love" so dont bother trying to play me cuz you will get outplayed. i dont let anyone ever tell me what to do. I’ll do whatever i feel like doing and it will be none of your business. in my life family come first then friends.